Los Minor Updates, part 1

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PPG has some minor updates for you today. Ashes of Embers: CamDawg provides a fix which makes Anomen’s proficiency reorg compatible with the G3 Fixpack. AOE home page Unfinished Business: Updated Spanish translation. UB home page Dungeon-Be-Gone: Updated Spanish translation. … Continued

Six’s Kitpack Launched

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Tired of the same old Avenger and Bounty Hunter? Let SixOfSpades introduce you to a new range of adventuring styles, from the canny Sniper to the sturdy Shieldbearer. Eight new kits, plus a class rebalancing component, are included in the … Continued

Dungeon Crawl v3 Released

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Dungeon Crawl v3 has been released. This version includes the following updates: – Clues about Grudin’s locations are only available after the task is given – Improved audio-installing process for better compatibility with other mods – Dungeon Crawlers no longer … Continued

de’Arnise Romance V1 Released!

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Hard to believe, we know, but more than five years after the project began, the first public version of de’Arnise Romance has been released! The mod adds a new romance track to displaced debutante Nalia de’Arnise, late of the Keep … Continued