Business Is Never Done. It Just Gets Less Unfinished.
It’s been nearly eight and a half years since a totally new component was added to Unfinished Business, but that streak is at an end! Kulyok has adapted the original design notes for the Murder of Acton Balthis into a … Continued
Branwen for BG2 Makes Her Debut!
Tired of playing Baldur’s Gate 2 without a powerful Swedish lady in your party? Looking to create a new NPC and hoping for simple WeiDU reference code that’s not eleven years old? Kulyok has solved both of these problems with … Continued
Two New Mods! The Sellswords and Back to Brynnlaw Released!
Kulyok is back to entertain, delight, and beguile with two new productions. In The Sellswords, journey beneath the surface once more to tangle with Bregan D’aerthe and some of the Underdark’s most notorious personalities. Available here. In Back to Brynnlaw, … Continued
Xan BG2 NPC version 10 – a happy ending at last!
Some of you probably played Xan in BG2 and even romanced him in BG2 and BG1 – and more than a few were disappointed that his romance ended abruptly in Bodhi’s graveyard. Version 10 adds a happy ending for Xan’s … Continued
Icewind Dale NPCs mod is here for IWD-for-BG2!
As many of you know, it is possible to play Icewind Dale in Baldur’s Gate 2 engine. So, Icewind Dale NPCs mod is available for this conversion, too! Version 4 of the mod adds sixty new player-initiated lovetalks – fifteen … Continued
Assassinations – now with a French translation!
Thanks to Le Marquis of the d’Oghmatiques, Assassinations mod is now available in French. Read more about the mod and download version 9 here.
New versions of Sirine’s Call and BG1 UB are up!
Scar quest extension, journal entry corrections, clever pirates, and more! Visit BG1 Unfinished Business and Sirine’s Call mod webpages for more information.
Coran One-Day NPC Released!
Kulyok decided that Coran’s cameo in Baldur’s Gate 2 wasn’t enough, so she has expanded the puckish non-player character into a One-Day NPC format, complete with banters, interjections, a friendship path, and player-initiated dialogues. A Russian translation is available in … Continued
BG1 Unfinished Business Testers Sought
Jastey is trying to put the finishing touches on the next release of BG1 Unfinished Business and would appreciate some testing assistance. For more information, please see here.
PPG knocked unconscious by Reddit/BWP article!
A recent article extolling the virtues of installing lots of mods at once has caused a lot of people to rediscover the Baldur’s Gate series. So many, in fact, that our download traffic has been anywhere from three to 10 … Continued